A Sermon Podcast

Welcome to PREACH:

I am a teacher and a preacher. Many of my holiest moments have been in the classroom and on the pulpit (or off it) when I give a sermon.

I have learned about preaching from professors, from colleagues, from ministers, and most of all from trial and error, which means listening to spoken and unspoken feedback from my congregation. I would never claim to know the best method of preaching, but I have found some ways that work for me. I am sharing them here.

If you hear something interesting in this podcast, feel free to try it. Your mileage may vary, but at least you can be assured that it worked for someone. If it does not work for you, I am fine with that, too. If you feel like it, please write to me to tell me what did or didn’t work for you. I would like to have a final episode incorporating the feedback I receive.

To whom is this addressed? To rabbis, obviously. But it may also be useful to cantors, ministers, teachers and public speakers. There are also some tips for would-be prophets; see Episode 3 for details.

I welcome your feedback, positive or negative! Please write to me at rebweb36@gmail.com. And if I can be of help to you in trying these ideas or others, I would love to hear from you.

Have fun!

Rabbi Don Weber

1. I Hate Writing Sermons
2. One Simple Sentence
3. Where Do We Begin?
4. Preaching without Annette
5. Where do Sermon ideas come from?
6. Don’s Dos and Don’ts for Preaching


These podcasts are the property of Rabbi Donald A. Weber, © 2023. They may be downloaded and shared freely, as long as this website URL is included whenever it is shared. NO modification of the contents is permitted without express written consent, which will not be granted.