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A Tribute to My Teacher >>

Date: 2000-06-01 | Id: rdw63

When I began 12th grade in Religious School, a new Educator came to my temple. Dr. Dorothy Axelroth was the first female Jewish educator I had ever heard of, and had she known what she was in for, I probably never would have heard of her.

An Argument for Health Care >>

Date: 2009-09-01 | Id: rdw62

When our 10th graders go to the Religious Action Center in Washington, their first program is meeting homeless people from the DC streets. One of the most memorable was a college graduate – well-spoken, funny and blunt about his situation. How times have changed!

Thoughts from High Schoolers on God >>

Date: 2012-05-01 | Id: rdw61

Every two years the theme for our high school conclave is, “God Talk.” We talk about God – who or what God is, how God communicates with us, and how we communicate with God.

A Tribute to My Mother >>

Date: 2012-06-01 | Id: rdw60

This month, my mom will, God willing, celebrate her 85th birthday. To mark this occasion, I want to share something she taught me about being a parent. It has helped me as Shira and I sought to raise our children, and perhaps it will give you something to consider as you work with your children, your grandchildren or oth
